Garner, Olivia - Round 1

Olivia Garner (CAS Adult)
Fortune - Become world class ballet dancer
Gemini  4 sloppy, 7 outgoing, 8 active, 3 serious, 3 grouchy
Hi there and welcome to my home. My name is Olivia Garner and i live here with my daughter Louise and my son Ben. My late husband Dean and I had always dreamed of moving away from the city to raise our children so when he died that's exactly what i did to give my family a fresh start.

Louise Garner (CAS Child)
Leo  9 neat, 7 outgoing, 3 lazy, 3 serious, 4 grouchy
Ben Garner (CAS Toddler)
Aries  8 neat, 7 outgoing, 3 lazy, 3 serious, 4 grouchy

Since moving into our new house Louise as young as she is has been a great help with Ben, keeping him amused while i get the stuff that needs doing around the house, which on my own feels a lot harder than it used to.

As well as the housekeeping i managed to teach Ben his skills and even found time to help Louise with her homework which paid off as a couple of days later she came running in from the school bus waving about her A+ report card.

Pretty soon it was time for my little Ben to become a child, but being as we had not lived here long there wasn't anyone to invite, so it was just the three of us which i think was nice.

 And here he is my little guy not so little any more. He is rather handsome i think but maybe that's just because I'm his mother.

As for work I took a job in the military career and did manage to get a few promotions but really I only took that job as I would be home for my children as much as possible. Soon I hope to get my break in my dream career, which is dance!

Well anyway thanks for stopping by, and i do hope you'll come again soon, never know i might let you in on a few dates i've been keeping quiet.



  1. Hey nice start any chance of a new love for olivia? oh and good luck with the LTW ur gonna need alot of friends!!

  2. Ahh so Olivia is on the prowl for a new daddy for the kids! That is good. :) Yeah, have the kids work on makin' friends with all those they bring home on the bus with them, then mom will have the friends she needs to promote. Ah yes, she will have her dates as friends too. :)

  3. Louise and Ben are adorable kids -- not surprising with a mom as pretty as Olivia. I hope Olivia can find love in her life again. It's tough starting out with a toddler and no smart milk, good job having Ben grow up well!

  4. Ben is a handsome boy. Dates? hmmmm. Is mom looking for a new Dad?
